8 Steps to Take if You're Suffering from a Nose Infection

nose infection

A nose infection can be treated medically with antifungal meds, oral steroids, nasal sprays, or antibiotics. Alternatively, you can explore home remedies like nasal irrigation, steam inhalation, or OTC pain relief. These infections occur when excess mucus clogs the sinuses, which are air-filled spaces surrounding the nose. 

This buildup creates a favorable environment for viruses, bacteria, or fungi to thrive, leading to symptoms like nasal congestion, facial pain, and sore throat. To find out how to alleviate sinusitis, read this article.

Home Remedies

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI) suggests that individuals can start addressing nose infection symptoms using home remedies. Typically, viral sinus infections will clear up within two weeks. 

To combat antibiotic resistance, ACAAI advises only considering antibiotics if symptoms persist for more than seven to ten days. Here are some home remedies that may offer relief from sinus infection symptoms.

1. Over-the-counter Medication

You can alleviate sinus infection symptoms using over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief medications, which may consist of:

  • Aspirin (for individuals aged 18 and older)

  • Acetaminophen, like Tylenol

  • Ibuprofen, such as Advil or Motrin

These OTC pain relievers effectively relieve localized pain, fever, and headaches associated with a bacterial infection in the nose.

2. Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays can provide relief from sinus infection symptoms. Over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant nasal sprays are suitable for short-term use, typically no more than three to four days. Longer-term solutions include OTC steroid nasal sprays and saline sprays. These sprays help reduce nasal passage swelling and facilitate mucus drainage from the sinuses.

However, it's crucial to use nasal decongestant sprays with caution. Overuse can lead to a rebound phenomenon, making the nasal passages swell and close. To avoid adverse effects, carefully follow the product's instructions.

Individuals suffering from a fungal infection in the nose with underlying medical conditions or who are pregnant should consult a doctor before using nasal sprays.

3. Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation can help ease sinus infection symptoms. Using a neti pot or rinse bottle is recommended. Be cautious with the water source. Tap water can be dangerous, so boil and cool it, use distilled or sterile water, or filter it.

To create your irrigation solution, mix three teaspoons of iodide-free salt and one teaspoon of baking soda in a clean container. Add one teaspoon of this mixture to one cup (8 ounces) of sterile water. This solution can alleviate nose infection symptoms. Use half a teaspoon of the dry mix for children with four ounces of water.

Apply the solution using a syringe or neti pot, alternating nostrils over a sink. Clean and dry the equipment after use. Replace irrigation bottles regularly to prevent germ spread.

4. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation may not have strong scientific evidence, but it can help some people with an MRSA infection in the nose. Lean over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head to contain the steam. Breathe deeply through your nose for 10 to 15 minutes, repeating three to four times daily. 

You can enhance the effect by adding a few drops of an essential oil like eucalyptus or peppermint, known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus oil is available in health food stores and online.

5. Take a Rest

Resting is essential when you have an infection in the nose. It helps your body recover and fight the infection effectively. It's also a way to prevent spreading the infection to others.

6. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial during a sinus infection. Drink several glasses of clear fluids like water, herbal teas, or hot water with lemon, honey, or ginger to keep your body hydrated and aid recovery. Avoid soda and coffee.

7. Warm Compress

Relieve sinus pain and pressure with warm compresses. Soak a clean face cloth in hot water, wring it out, and place it on your nose and forehead. This remedy is proven and tested for a staph infection inside the nose. 

8. Combination Drugs and Antihistamines

Antihistamines can reduce swelling in the nasal passages during a sinus infection. Be cautious with OTC combination drugs, as they may have side effects.

When Do You Need to Contact a Doctor?

Contact an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor if your sinus infection lasts more than ten days, worsens after improvement, or has severe symptoms like facial pain or a fever lasting over three to four days. Children under three months old with a sinus infection or a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or above should also see a doctor. 

A chronic infection in the nose lasts over 12 weeks or if you have more than three sinus infections yearly. A doctor will ask about your symptoms, examine you, and conduct tests. If antibiotics don't work, an ENT specialist may use a nasal endoscope or a CT scan to investigate further.

Take Control of Your Sinus Infection Today

Don't let a sinus infection disrupt your life. Reach out to OSRA Medical, your trusted partner in healthcare. Our experienced team of professionals is here to provide you with personalized and practical solutions to alleviate your sinusitis symptoms. 

Whether it's a persistent nose infection, worsening conditions, or recurring issues, we're here to help. Contact us today for expert guidance, a prompt diagnosis, and a tailored treatment plan. Regain your comfort and well-being because your health matters.

Nasser Mohamed