HIV Services | OSRA Medical

Dr. Nasser Mohamed, founder of Osra Medical, believes that strong doctor-patient relationships are essential for every type of healthcare, including HIV prevention and treatment. He has been providing care for patients living with HIV since 2015 and has been part of the American Academy of HIV Medicine. Dr. Mohamed’s approach to healthcare includes getting to know patients and the details of their lives that are relevant to their medical history.

Certified Provider of Americal Academy of HIV Medicine

At Osra Medical, our patient-centered care increases consistent follow-ups and satisfactory outcomes. We offer services such as primary care, HIV counseling, prevention services, and treatment options for anyone in need, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Our non-judgmental, LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare team is committed to alleviating the impacts of HIV and enhancing the possibility of a prolonged life for our patients. HIV Physicians at Osra Medical are determined to prevent the manifestations of HIV and reduce its impacts on each patient’s life and on the community.

HIV Healthcare Services near San Francisco, CA

HIV Testing near San Francisco

HIV testing is relatively simple and can be performed at home. However, getting your HIV test results from medical facilities such as Osra Medical will eliminate the chances of further infection spread.

The lab uses advanced testing kits that show efficient results. There are multiple test methods available, such as nucleic acid tests and antibody-antigen tests. These tests are conducted after 18 to 90 days of potential exposure and deliver accurate results to curb the transmission of infection to other people.

HIV Prevention near San Francisco, CA

At Osra Medical, we offer HIV preventative medicine as a part of our concierge medicine services nationwide and near San Francisco, California. Our discreet and safe LGBTQ+ medical practice uses the most advanced medical and social programs to make HIV prevention easier than ever, with multiple approaches tailored to our patients’ individual needs, including testing, HIV prevention, counseling, and medicine, offering PrEP and PEP.

  • PrEP: Pre-exposure prophylaxis medications that are taken daily, including Truvada and Descovy. Osra Medical also offers Apretude, an injectable PrEP. Studies show PrEP to be highly effective at preventing HIV contraction when taken as prescribed.
  • PEP: Post-exposure prophylaxis medications that are taken after exposure to HIV. The medication is taken for at least 28 days, with the first dose being taken within 72 hours following HIV exposure.
  • 2-1-1 Regimen: A PrEP regimen that is taken as needed. Patients take two pills 2-24 hours before sexual activity, one pill 24 hours following the first dose, and another pill 24 hours later.

HIV Treatment near San Francisco, CA

People with an HIV-positive status can live long, healthy, and productive lives with proper treatment. It’s essential to begin taking ARV (antiretroviral) medication as soon as possible following diagnosis to reduce your viral load and damage to your body. There are several reasons why it’s crucial to adhere to your ARV regimen.

  • Treatment lessens the viral load (the amount of the virus that is detectable in one’s body) to levels that are so low as to be undetecable. A lower viral load helps protect patients from various HIV-related infections and related illnesses.
  • Treating HIV is a significant component of preventing the virus from developing in others. An undetectable viral load protects transmission between sexual partners. However, these medicines are not sufficient to prevent the transmission of other STDs, so it is recommended to continue using condoms and practicing safe sexual practices.
  • Your immune system relies on CD4 cells to protect you from illness and infections. HIV invades these cells, using them to multiply itself, which decreases the effectiveness of your immune system. HIV treatment prevents the virus from damaging CD4 cells and increases their number, which defends the body against various other illnesses.
  • Inflammation is the body’s response to illness, and it can be beneficial when it’s a short-term occurrence. When the viral load is detectable, the body constantly fights the virus, which also means constant inflammation. Long-term inflammation puts stress on the immune system, which can lead to other diseases.
  • Following a treatment plan will prevent HIV from becoming resistant to medications. If a patient doesn’t take medication daily, it reduces the amount of HIV suppression, which allows the virus to change its makeup and resist the effects of the ARV medications.

HIV Counseling near San Francisco, CA

HIV counseling is beneficial for individuals with and without HIV-positive status. Counseling is an effective tool for prevention because it helps a person identify lifestyle activities that increase their risk of contracting the virus. It’s also essential for the person to understand the risks and the meaning of high-risk behavior. HIV counseling can define the potential for behavior changes to reduce the risk of contracting HIV and work with the individual to achieve and maintain long-term behavior changes.

Receiving an HIV diagnosis can cause intense feelings of anxiety and fear. Counseling can help people address these feelings and give them the confidence to participate in their treatment planning. An HIV counselor can provide recommendations for alternative therapies, like relaxation techniques and how to take advantage of available support networks after you disclose your HIV status. Most importantly, HIV counseling following a diagnosis can help a person enjoy life and process the stigma and discrimination they may face as a result of their HIV status.

HIV Primary Care in San Francisco

Primary care plays an important role in reducing the effects of HIV. Primary care comprises routine checkups and sessions either in person or with our concierge doctor services. Primary care also involves screening for HIV-caused diseases and other STDs.

Our LGBTQ+-friendly physicians may refer the patients to antibody tests at the end of the scheduled appointment. As a result, the severity of the condition can be monitored.

Counseling sessions and articulating the sense of leading a normal life are also part of primary care. The vaccination history of our patients is also analyzed to assess the proper functioning of the immune system.

Dr. Nasser Mohamed

near San Francisco, CA and Prevention at Osra Medical

When you need support for HIV counseling, prevention, or treatment, contact Osra Medical. Dr. Nasser Mohamed offers in-person appointments for people in the San Francisco area and telehealth visits for people nationwide. Call us today at (415) 952-2220 to schedule an appointment.