STD Prevention, Treatment and Scanning | OSRA Medical
If you seek relief or prevention from STDs, then you should have significant knowledge of the subject matter. STDs are sexually transmitted disorders that either spread through sexual intercourse or the exchange of body fluids such as blood transfusions and saliva. STDs are divided into two types. Those caused by bacterial infections are cured through antibiotic treatments.
However, STDs caused by viruses cannot be treated. Hence such cases of STDs are only monitored to prevent the worsening of the condition. The patients have to lead their lives with the condition. The expert physicians at OSRA Medical work out an STD treatment plan for each patient.
Common STDs
Following are some of the STDs commonly found among adults.
HIV is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus severely weakens the immune system such that even minor infections and can become problematic. The prevalence of HIV is increasing with each passing day. HIV screening is done with the help of antibodies in blood and saliva. Exposure to the virus causes the immune system to produce antibodies.
HIV Screening
The occurrence of antibodies in the blood refers to the presence of HIV. Another test used is the HIV antibody-antigen test. The test detects both antigens and antibodies in the blood. Antigens are the viral proteins to which the antibodies bind. The presence of antigens indicates that the infection is thriving in the body. The HIV viral Load test is faster and expensive. It immediately detects the presence of antibodies in the blood.
HIV Treatment
The commonly used HIV STD treatment plan is retroviral therapy. A combination of medication and therapy can alleviate the symptoms of HIV, but it cannot eliminate from the body. Controlling HIV allows individuals to lead healthy lives.
HIV Prevention
For preventing HIV, there are some simple practices. Having protected intercourse and using sterilized needles for blood transfusions can decrease the probability of contracting HIV. Getting tested at the initial stage of contraction can also prevent the patient from deteriorating symptoms. Furthermore, immunization and vaccination can boost the immune system and protect against the virus to some extent.
The last stage of HIV infection is called AIDS. The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is an autoimmune disorder. At this stage, cells of the immune system start damaging the healthy cells in the body.
Another severe STD is chlamydia that can cause extreme discomfort. Urine tests and swans are both used to detect the presence of bacterial infection. The infection can be treated with medication and antibiotics. To prevent the disorder, employ safe intercourse practices and take care of your genital hygiene.
Genital Herpes
This disorder results in swollen and sore genitalia. Herpes is a viral infection and cannot be entirely cured. However, medication can reduce the symptoms. The Blood tests, PCR, and viral cultures test the presence of herpes. Safe sexual practices can prevent the disorder.